Time Taken: 3 hours from Bangalore
Cost: Petrol and Food
TGIF takes a whole new level in Bangalore. Toll Booth lines of cars on weekends leading to outside the town run miles. Hearing and reading a lot about the HIDDEN GEM, we (me, my wife and my 2 years old) finally planned to cross a place out of our bucket list that has eluded us for very long time.
The planning:
We wanted to cover something nearby but yet which always missed our radar and hence we planned to go to Lepakshi temple, a place so beautiful you will need to see it with your eyes to believe it exists so close to bangalore.We surprisingly did manage to be ready sharp at 5 am. My kid seemed happy about getting up in the early hour, a good Omen of things to come. We were driving a TUV- Mahindra so was not afraid of any potholes as we heard many stretches of AP State highways were being worked on. We took the outer ring road to reach the airport and then the NH-44 going towards Nandi hills. We covered good ground and had crossed Nandi hills in about one and half hour.
Suddenly out of nowhere, a mist started forming on the roads, initially, we thought of it as smoke as Bangalore is not so chilly these days. But as we progressed we had to switch on our fog lights and the drive speed fell below 40 kmph. As the stretch is clear of any living population so the entire area was looking as if we are in by lanes of Ooty. My baby was full awestruck to even talk as she hadn't seen such a fog in her small life. We were also enjoying the beauty but were only worried about time. Luckily though it lasted for only around half an hour and then we zoomed past to Lepakshi.
Lepakshi Temple Entrance |
Kalyan Mantapa |
However, Puranic lore has it that the Veerabhadra temple was built by the sage Agastya. Another legend gives the town a significant place in the Ramayana — this was where the bird Jatayu fell, wounded after a battle against Ravana who was carrying away Sita ma. When Sri Rama reached the spot, he saw the bird and said compassionately, “Le Pakshi” — ‘rise, bird’ in Telugu. It has idols of Ganesha, Nandi, Veerabhadra, Shiva, Bhadrakali, Vishnu, and Lakshmi.
Hanging Pillar |
After eating the Prasad we had a hearty breakfast at APTDC hotel, the only decent place to eat in the vicinity. After inquiring if they accept cards a big no came and we ended up paying in cash. Low cash alert sounded its first bell. After this, the journey was smooth with occasional patches of road where some construction was going on to expand the roads. For people who don't know, this area is one of the largest groundnut producers in India, there is also a ground nut school nearby.
Suddenly out of nowhere a beautiful stretch of Red Rock Mountains came, with a temple on one side and mountain on other we thought it might be entry to the destination but Google map said otherwise, so we pushed on, I still don’t know what was the name of place but it was a beautiful spot. This brought us to the closure of the first chapter of our journey. This place could be an ideal bike ride away place if you do not want to club it with Gandikota. A must visit I must say.
2. Carry your sun lotion, shades or umbrella if coming in afternoon as the stone becomes very hot
3. Best time to come is early morning to see the Sunrise
1. Take good amount of food with you as you will find nothing on long stretch.2. Carry your sun lotion, shades or umbrella if coming in afternoon as the stone becomes very hot
3. Best time to come is early morning to see the Sunrise
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